Monday, December 15, 2008

10 Questions With:

Stephen thanks for Joining us today for this weeks edition of 10 Questions:

Stephen: Thanks for having me.

(1.) Stephen on a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your MJM season up to this point?
A: Probably about a 6, I have yet to really prove myself this season and I know I can do better then what I've been doing.

(2.) Ok Stephen, Whom of the new comers in MJM has impressed you the most?
A: Probably Auz Grams, He has really stepped up his racing AND Freestyle program as of late, I can see him being a huge star in MJM and MTM2.

(3.) How would you rate the actual MJM Season itself? From the racing, Freestyles, Promoting, etc.
A: I would rate the entire MJM Season and League a 9 or a 10 as well, Jordan has really done a great job running this league, I enjoy it.

(4.) Who is your favorite MJ Superstar?
A: I'm really a big fan of Flame Motorsports, But I would have to say David Smith

(5.) Stephen do you think you have a chance to get into the MJM World Finals?
A: I think that if I step up to the plate and go all out on each pass and freestyle, I have a good shot and making it.

(6.) With the Holidays coming up, What are you most looking forward to this Holiday month?
A: Probably visiting my family back in Bama and Mississippi, I'll be missing the big Winter event held by SI, But my family is more important by far.

Ok for questions 7 through 10, I will say one word and after I do I want you to tell me what comes to mind.

(7.) MTM2:
A: Best game Ever Made

A: Falling apart little by little.

(9.) Controversy
A: Sucks.

(10.) Jordan Robson
A: One I look up to in MTM2 and NR2003.

Thank you for your time Stephen.

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